About us

MRSG was formed during the depths of the water crisis in 2018.

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A community crisis rally at Deniliquin in August of that year brought local Members of Parliament and local water advocacy leaders together to tackle the ongoing challenges being faced by NSW Murray Valley water users through ever-evolving changes to water policy.

The local Federal Member of Parliament advised the 600+ people in attendance that NSW Murray needed a united voice on water issues that impact the region.

From there, industry, irrigation, Indigenous and community representatives formed the Murray Regional Strategy Group. Now a fully incorporated organisation, MRSG comprises representatives from the 15 democratically-elected organisations representing NSW Murray Valley water users on water issues.

Our members work in coalition to connect people with knowledge and experience with Government and Government Agencies to:

  • Identify risks earlier in policy decision making and implementation
  • Identify and communicate local nuances and specifics
  • Identify cost saving measures for policy implementation
  • Assist Government in providing confidence to future generations of the NSW Murray Valley water users and communities
  • Ensure NSW Murray Valley continues to be a diverse food bowl providing staple foods and fibre to the rest of the nation.

With local knowledge, experience and leadership, anything is possible